Singing Guide: The Milk Carton Kids

Singing Guide: The Milk Carton Kids

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

The Milk Carton Kids: Tips and Resources for Singing like Them

The Milk Carton Kids are an American folk singer-songwriter duo who have gained a devoted following for their special brand of duet arrangements and stunning harmonies. One of the duo's unique vocal techniques is the seamless vocal blending, which makes it hard to tell which singer is singing which part. Their live performances and albums feature a wide range of instruments and styles, but often showcase just two guitars and two voices in pristine harmony.

If you're looking to learn to sing like The Milk Carton Kids, here are some tips and resources that will help you get started:

Tips for Singing like The Milk Carton Kids:

Focus on Your Harmony Skills:

One of the most notable features of The Milk Carton Kids' singing is their focus on harmony. Working on your harmony skills is essential to sing like them. Practicing singing in thirds, fourths, and fifths with a friend or another vocalist can be helpful for developing harmonic skills. The practice can be done by humming or singing arpeggios together.

Train Your Voice with Proper Techniques:

To achieve the same vocal quality as The Milk Carton Kids, it's important to train your voice with proper techniques. You can start with breathing exercises to help maintain control of your voice, and then practice different vocal registers to develop a versatile singing voice. The Singing Carrots articles "Breathing basics," "Voice Registers & Vocal Break," and "Breath support" can be helpful in understanding these techniques.

Record and Analyze Your Voice:

Listening back to your own recordings can be an effective way to improve your singing abilities. Study your harmonies and phrasing and work on improving your techniques.

Practice Singing Live:

To become comfortable with live performances, try singing in front of an audience. The Singing Carrots article "Tips for performing on stage" offers valuable insights. Joining an open mic night or performing in school concerts can help you gain confidence and experience.

Singing Carrots Resources:

Vocal Range Test:

To get an idea of your vocal range, you can take the Singing Carrots vocal range test. Compare your range with that of The Milk Carton Kids and other famous singers. You can take it here.

Pitch Accuracy Test:

To improve pitch accuracy, try the Singing Carrots pitch accuracy test. This test involves singing along with simple melodies and assessing your pitch accuracy. You can access it here.

Pitch Training:

The Singing Carrots pitch training tools, including the pitch visualizer, interactive vocal warm-ups and exercises for range and agility, can be helpful in training and developing your vocal skills. Check it out here.

Song Search:

Find songs that match your vocal range, difficulty level, and genre preferences. The Singing Carrots song search tool can help you find songs that suit your singing style. You can access it here.

Artist Vocal Ranges:

Explore the vocal ranges of over 5,000 famous artists, including The Milk Carton Kids by using the Singing Carrots artist vocal ranges tool. You can access it here.


Create your performance set for the stage. Get linked lyrics, sheet music, chords, karaoke, and YouTube audio using the Singing Carrots song-book tool. Check it out here.

Vocal Health:

The Singing Carrots article on "Vocal Health - Prevent Damage, Healthy Habits" includes information on how to maintain your vocal health and prevent damage to your voice.

Singing Course:

If you're looking to take your singing to the next level, the Singing Carrots educational singing course covers singing theory and practical tips for beginners. You can find it here.

By practicing these techniques and using Singing Carrots's resources, you can improve your harmonizing and phrasing abilities and learn to sing like The Milk Carton Kids. Good luck!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.